Your Social Media is the Living Canvas of Your Body of Work

In this article, we will discuss the importance of utilizing social media to enhance your brand and connect with more people. We will also explore the value of creating videos and other content to showcase your expertise and engage your audience. Additionally, we will hear from individuals who have experienced success through consistent content creation and discuss the key takeaways from their experiences.

Enhancing Your Brand Through Social Media

Social media is often seen as a cumbersome task, but it is a powerful tool that can improve and enhance your brand. It provides you with the opportunity to connect with more people and showcase your vision, cause, and purpose. By actively working on your social media presence, you can create a strong online presence that resonates with your target audience.

The Power of Video Content

Creating videos is one of the most effective ways to enhance your brand and engage with your audience. Videos allow you to showcase your expertise, personality, and passion, giving people a glimpse into who you are and what you do. They provide a more personal and authentic connection with your audience, allowing them to see the human behind the brand.

Dameon mentions how he was complimented on his real estate videos during a music interview. This shows that even when you are focused on one aspect of your brand, other content can still have an impact. People are paying attention and are interested in what you have to say.

The Importance of Authenticity

When it comes to social media, authenticity is key. People want to connect with real humans, not just static content. Elias emphasizes the importance of seeing the person behind the content and connecting on a human level. He mentions that he will only follow someone back if he sees at least one video of them talking and representing themselves.

This highlights the value of showcasing your personality and interests through your content. By sharing more about yourself and what you love to do, you can attract like-minded individuals and build a genuine connection with your audience.

Success Through Consistent Content Creation

Realtors who have experienced success through consistent content creation. Cortez mentions how a buyer had been following them for six months without ever saying anything, but eventually reached out for a consultation. This demonstrates the power of consistently putting yourself out there and providing valuable content.

Dameon shares his journey of initially being reluctant to create videos but eventually finding success through consistent content creation. He highlights the importance of not worrying about views and likes, but rather focusing on putting your content out there and engaging with your audience.

Setting Goals and Taking Action

Elias encourages the audience to set goals and intentions for their content creation. They emphasize the importance of taking action and doing something that will move your business forward. They suggest a winning cadence of three videos a week, 10 stories a day, and sliding into five direct messages a day.

They also stress the importance of consistency and imperfection. They mention that even "shitty" content can still get engagement and generate leads. The key is to be consistent and continuously refine your content over time.

Key Takeaways 

  • Don't worry about views and likes. Focus on putting your content out there and engaging with your audience.
  • Utilize social media to enhance your brand and connect with more people.
  • Videos are a powerful tool to showcase your expertise and engage your audience.
  • Authenticity is key. Showcasing your personality and interests can attract like-minded individuals and build a genuine connection.
  • Consistent content creation can lead to success and generate valuable leads.
  • Set goals and take action to move your business forward.
  • Be consistent and embrace imperfection. Even "shitty" content can still generate engagement and leads.


In conclusion, utilizing social media and creating videos are essential strategies to enhance your brand and connect with your audience. They also highlight the importance of authenticity, consistency, and taking action. You can achieve success and generate valuable leads by setting goals and continuously refining your content. So, don't worry about views and likes, focus on putting your content out there and engaging with your audience. Remember, even "shitty" content can still get you results.

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